Media Communication

Mr. Glen E. Dawursk, Jr., MAED, BSED


Course Description:


Media Communication will enable the student to achieve an understanding of the communication process and the history and presentation of mass communication (mass media), specifically the mass medias of newspaper, magazines, radio, television, records, advertising, film and internet broadcasting. The student will also be introduced to media regulation and control, communication terminology, and news preparation and presentation.  It is hoped that through this course, the student will be able to discuss intelligently about the issues concerning mass communication and its influence on our society.


Prerequisites:  Junior or senior standing


Course Objectives:


Through this course, the student will:


  1. Discuss the characteristics of and distinguish between the various types of communication, media and media systems.
  2. Trace the history and development of each mass medium.
  3. Discuss the issues concerning the medias of newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television, photography and photojournalism, motion pictures, internet broadcasting, and the recording industry.
  4. Explain the functions, economics, and types of advertising in the mass media.
  5. Understand and explain the process of and forces affecting mass media news.
  6. Compare and evaluate the various media ad delivery systems: cable, satellite, internet and computers.
  7. Trace the history, development and issues of wire services, syndicates and networks.
  8. Discuss the various legislative acts, significant FCC decisions, and current issues in mass communication regulation.
  9. Explain the four theories of the press in relation to legal issues and rights of the working press.
  10. Discuss the various audiences and effects of mass communication.
  11. Understand and discuss media ethics and various current social issues in mass communication.
  12. Recognize the basic functioning of actual print and electronic media settings and processes.
  13. Apply knowledge of and experience with mass media to a semester media project and presentation


Study Skills Used:



Note taking



Having materials for study

Test preparation


Critical analysis

Library research and usage


Problem solving

Deductive reasoning


Book Used:


None – Power Point presentations in class


Required Materials:




Straight edged paper for hand in assignments

Folder with pockets




As a responsible high school student, there is no excuse for late assignments other than a family funeral or similar family circumstance.  Therefore, assignments are due the day they are assigned.  No exceptions.


All written assignments are to be completed no later than the beginning of the class period the first day it is due.  On occasion and only with prior teacher permission, some daily assignments may be turned in at the end of the school day no later than 2:45 PM (This does not happen very often).


ALL oral presentation assignments are due at the beginning of the class period the first day they are due.  Due to the nature of an oral presentation, all late oral presentations may be presented only if time permits and only during scheduled in-class presentation times.


Incomplete assignments are listed as a “0” in the grade book.  Remember that it takes two 100% A+ assignments to raise an incomplete 0% to a passing grade. The lowest percentage possible for any on-time completed assignment is 40%.


All late assignments are marked 10% off per day late.  For example: after three days late, the highest grade possible for the late assignment would be a 60% D.  The regular grading process will then deduct from this starting percentage.


Written incomplete assignments may be turned-in for partial credit until one week prior to the end of the quarter.  No incomplete assignments will be accepted after that date for any reason.




All written assignments are to be done in blue or black ONLY.  No other color will be accepted.  All formal essays and reports are to be typed.  Daily assignments should be written neatly on clean 8-1/2 by 11 inch white paper.  Half sheets and papers with frayed edges will not be accepted.  All assignments are subject to proper spelling, grammar and mechanics.  Only the creative writing journal may be exempt from these rules.  All assignments must be labeled properly in the upper right hand corner with First and Last Name, Class Title, Period Number, and Date turned-in.  One grade is deducted from assignments not using proper format (labels, pen color, edges, etc).


The class website is:

Teacher e-mail is: Dawursk


Assignments are not accepted via e-mail without PRIOR approval. You are responsible to print them out and bring them to class.  The teacher will not print your assignments for you.




  1. Communication Process: Intra-personal, inter-personal, person-to-group, and mass (media) communication
  2. Advertising: Types, appeals claims, agencies
  3. Newspaper: History, types, editorials, structure, journalism
  4. Magazines: History, types, future
  5. Recording Industry: History, Elvis, future
  6. Radio: History, radio commercials, copy, announcing
  7. Film: History, changes, techniques of camera and acting, critiques
  8. Television: History, new technologies, satellites
  9. Internet: History, broadcasts
  10. M3&Me: Influence of media, values, propaganda





         All materials covered in assigned readings, class lectures, discussions, media presentations, labs and handouts.

         One book report on a teacher approved, course related book of 150 pages or more.

         One completed contract-media project

         Participation in a class filed trip

         Written assignments (including worksheets, text exercises and notes)

         Unit Quizzes / Tests

         Reaction papers of all video/audio presentations

         Positive participation in class activities